Marital Intimacy

 Today I am going to talk about the topic of marital intimacy. I want to discuss and focus specifically though on the topic of infidelity and how to avoid it at all costs. I learned that there are 4 different types of infidelity that I want to share on here. This was something knew to me, because I didn't know that there were different types; I just thought that it was all the same thing. 

The first type is called fantasy affair. This type of infidelity is characterized by having an emotional affair with an individual who has no knowledge about what is going on, or with someone online anonymously. There might be some people who see this type of affair as "nothing bad" since they might not be physically being unfaithful, but the emotional intimacy that comes from getting to know someone rises as the fantasy relationship continues. It is a fact that the more we get to know someone and the more we share with someone, the more intimate the relationship becomes. When one is having a fantasy affair with their partner, they lose that intimacy that they have with their partner, since they are pouring it into another relationship. 

The second type of infidelity is visual affair or pornography. I feel like in today's society porn is so desensitized, and so many view it as not infidelity since, just like the fantasy affair, doesn't physically involve another individual. On the other hand though it can be considered a physical infidelity because it usually does have the viewer acting out physically. This type of infidelity is the most common type. The Lord tells us "That whosoever looketh on a woman with lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart" We can learn here how serious visual affairs or pornography is. 

The third type of infidelity is a romantic affair. This type of affair happens when a person is emotionally involved with another person who is not their partner. The problem that this affair can arise from is the imperfections of marriage, can cause an individual to seek out another person to abandon the "dull routines" or to find new excitement. Sometimes the media portrays that marriage should be this happy, perfect thing, so when individuals realize that they are far from that, they might try to satisfy themselves in other ways, including other romantic affairs. 

The last type of infidelity is sexual affairs. This affair happens when a person participates in sexual acts with someone who is not their spouse. They can be emotionally involved or not. The Lord also tells us that "Whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding; he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul". Satan might try to convince an individual that there is excitement, fun, and thrill that comes from engaging with another, other than ones spouse, in sexual acts, but as the Lord says, it destroys ones soul. If one starts to do this, the love and intimacy between the spouses will soon begin to die. In fact, feelings of anger, jealousy, resentment, and even hate can begin to take what once was love's place. 

As we've learned from what the Lord tells us about committing any type of infidelity, or adultery, we know that it will cause no good. What it will cause though is serious harm to both individuals, emotionally and spiritually. So then how can we avoid infidelity at all costs? What I've learned the most important thing to do, to prevent infidelity in marriage, is to set boundaries. Some people might not want to set boundaries because they "don't want to cross a line", but setting boundaries between spouses will greatly lower the risk of any type of affair. Some examples of setting boundaries is saying goodbye to old friends, especially of the opposite gender and keeping information of the marriage private. Avoid meeting with anyone of the opposite sex and keep emotional feelings and information out of conversations. We should always be putting God and our spouse first. When we do so, I feel like there is almost no, or even absolutely no room for one to be unfaithful to their spouse. By setting boundaries with each other, and having a great relationship with the Lord, one can avoid all of the pain and heartache that comes with infidelity. 


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